Hey y'all, so tonight I want to talk about date night and just how important it is. This past weekend my husband and I celebrated one of our anniversaries. See we have a few, as I like to have a reason to celebrate anything, and this one was the anniversary of us making the transition from just friends to dating each other. So we decided to get ourselves a babysitter and have a child free night, and let me tell you it was pure
BLISS! You see we have 5 kids and finding a sitter who is willing and able to watch all 5 is pretty hard. Not to mention the fact that our youngest is very dependent of me, as I am her, and it's very hard for me to leave her. So this was the first time in a year we went out with
absolutely no kids. As parents we always put the needs/wants of our children before our own, and sometimes that can get in the way of things or put a strain on us. My hubby works very hard all week long and most of the time just wants to sleep and just relax on his day (sometimes days) off, and me being so busy with the kids , it's hard for us always to have a moment to connect. You know connect; talk about things other than kids/work, show each other our appreciation for each other, have some "mommy and daddy time" if ya know what I mean *wink wink*. Sometimes we can go a whole week without kissing, holding hands or even just giving each other a simple hug and kiss on the cheek. When you don't always have that personal connection with your spouse I find that you tend to fight a lot more and over the dumbest stuff too. So therefore I say "LET THERE BE DATE NIGHT!". It's the most wonderful thing I could recommend. Go out have dinner, let loose and act like a hot and heavy new couple. Forget the responsibilities waiting for you at home. Grab your husbands butt when you kiss him, remember what it was that used to give make you blush when you thought about him. This is the one person you're going to be with for the rest of your life so why would you ever let that flame you started out with die out. As a mother to 5 there are days I feel like a frumpy dumpy, so it's nice to have a night where I can get all done up. I like to look sexy for my husband and I know he likes when I dress up just for him. It sparks something up in us that reminds us of those days when we didn't care who saw us kissing. Those days when you had tunnel vision and all you saw was each other, like there was nobody else on this earth for that matter. We all need reminding from time to time. So if you are finding yourself in a rut pull yourself out of it and relight that flame. There is no excuse even if your low on cash or don't have a sitter. Set aside at least one night out of the month, put the kids to bed early and through something on that makes you feel good (and by good i don't mean those sweats that have about a dozen holes in them) and light some candles put on some soft music and talk to each other. There can be wine or dinner whatever you like. It just has to be a night of just the two of you! There a a few key things to a lasting marriage: Trust, Communication, Commitment, Attraction and Friendship. Though these things sound simple sometimes they can be very hard. I am not going to go into all of them tonight I will save that for another day. For it is getting late and I am tired I wish you all love and happiness. Goodnight!